Monday, September 30, 2013

Photography using camera cell phones

   When I first took Digital 1 Photography at Owens last semester, I knew nothing about operating a DSLR camera.
   Throughout the course I learned all about the basic fundamentals of photography and the camera. Now, I'm in a photojournalism class, and my first shooting assignment is cell phone photography.
   To get a good picture I always have to consider proper lighting. This is the most important element in photography, including cell phone cameras. Some cell phone, like mine, are not equipped with high resolution capabilities. Many of my photos are dark and grainy. I have to keep in mind that light is essential and should be utilized to make my pictures stand out.
First camera photo taken in lobby of F&PA Center. (PHO 245/Nicole Green)
   There are two types of light used in camera cell phones. The first is natural light known as daylight. I have to remember to incorporate natural sunlight in my photos to make my images feel authentic. The other is artificial light such as indoor florescent lighting, flashlights or other sources of light.  Both of these alternatives to using light are beneficial in cell phone photography. 
   Knowing what type of light to use in the appropriate settings is all part of the learning process on how to take a well lit photograph using a cell phone.

Monday, September 16, 2013

My thoughts on the First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  

   It is comforting to know the government doesn’t have the control or power to stifle U.S. citizen’s rights. I am glad I can practice any religion I believe in, voice any opinion, hold any type of peaceful protest, and write and publish any works legally done without any restrictions.
   It is no wonder so many people want come to America to embrace true democracy and be given such an opportunity to practice these rights. The First Amendment is what makes our great nation stand out. Without it, media, like journalism and photojournalism, wouldn’t have the ability to print or photograph truth to the people.

Friday, September 13, 2013

My life so far in a nutshell

   As a child I read poetry, short stories and watched the news. Since career day, when I was in 6th grade, I knew I wanted to be in the field of journalism. I took a few photography classes in high school in hopes of working on the newspaper or yearbook staff; nothing became of it. 
   In 2008 I enrolled at Owens Community College in journalism. I’m glad I took digital 1 photography because it reignited an interest I had years ago. Now that I’m graduating this December with an associate's, I’m considering being a photojournalist. My dream job would be to travel the world writing my experiences on the pictures I take. 
   I always live by this lyric motto: Feet on ground, heart in hand, facing forward, be yourself!-Jann Arden "Good Mother"